Handy Links

These links are here for your convenience.  They take you to websites not managed by us and therefore their terms and conditions will become relevant to you and your acceptance by using these links is that we cannot be responsible in any way for any loss or damage however caused by other sites that you choose to visit by using these links we cannot guarantee or be liable for anything whatsoever.

Churches Together in Sudbury and District

Churches Together joins churches in Sudbury and District for joint services, activities, weekly prayer breakfasts and support work with young people through Eden's and n:vision.


The National Churches Trust

The National Churches Trust aims to ensure that churches attain the minimum standards of any historic building whilst encouraging their continual use and embellishments as centres of local community life.


Wycliffe Bible Translators | The Bible for Everyone

Wycliffe Bible Translators  is an interdenominational organisation mandated to making a translation of the Bible in every living language in the world, especially for cultures with little existing Christian influence. Our link missionaries are working on the translation of parts of the Bible for a small but culturally co-cohesive people who, as yet, do not have the whole Bible in their native language.  wycliffe.org.uk


For further information about our Diocese.

Thanks to a generous grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund our Victorian East window and one of the earlier North facing windows of the church were dismantled, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt during  the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic.