If you have visited this page because someone you love has recently died, may we please start by offering you our deepest sympathy? A Christian funeral offers three essential elements:-
Remembering and giving thanks for the life of the person who has died
Commending and Committing that person into God’s care.
Comforting one another in our grief
Please contact Rev Andrew Doarks Sudburyrector@gmail.com who will be happy to help before you make the arrangements for the service as there is more than one option for you to choose from. The ashes of anyone who has lived in the parish can be buried in the church yard. If you would like this occasion blessed with prayer, please talk to Andrew.
Can we have poems or readings by members of the family or friends?
Every funeral is very precious to all who attend. Poems, readings and memories add to the service and make it more personal. Talk to the minister about what you would like and see how it fits in.
What about music?
There is a lot to think about when you are choosing the best music for a funeral. If you are having hymns will anyone know them or sing them? If you have a special song in mind or a piece of music how will it sound on an organ? You will need to talk this through with both the minister and the organist.
What do you charge for funerals?
It rather depends on what you or the person you are arranging it for would prefer.
Funeral in church followed by burial in the Sudbury Cemetery
Awaiting fees update
Fee payable to diocese £
Organist £
Heating (winter only) £ (not normally required July - August)
Total fee payable £ (this has not changed for 2016)
Funeral in church with cremation at West Suffolk Crematorium
Fee payable to diocese (via minister) £
Organist £
Heating (winter only) £ (not normally required July - August)
travel £
Total fee payable £ (in winter) (this has not changed for 2016)
*(Fee = £ if Crematorium at 3 Counties Crematorium as travel is then £11)
Funeral at West Suffolk Crematorium (no service in church)
Fee payable to diocese (via minister) £
Fee payable to PCC £
travel* £
Total fee payable £
*(Fee £ if Crematorium at 3 Counties as travel is then £)
*Travel expenses for the minister is only an estimated figure and would need to be discussed at the time £ is normally the maximum.