Thank you for looking at our web site and we hope that you will be able to join us in our worship.
To read the Vicar's letter about the January joint Benefice service and meal click here
We are a church that
• wishes to share the love of Jesus with others.
• values the Bible as our authority and guide in life.
• welcomes those who feel lost, excluded or alone.
• has prayer at its heart
• wants all people to be an active part of God’s glorious work.
• is willing to engage with a changing world.
Our Staff
Priest-in-Charge: Rev'd Andrew Doarks
phone: 07970 495654
Administrator: Claire Walker
phone: 07776 955306
Our parish and the neighbouring parish of St. Gregory are looking to appoint a part-time Children’s and Families Worker, the details of which will feature in diocesan eNews and also on the Indeed recruitment website.